2020-2022   Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk: MA in Graphic Arts
2019   Gdansk City Gallery 1: Deep Water ⁄ artistic-educational project addressed to the students
2017-2020   Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk: BA in Graphic Arts

2024  MAMŰ Society Award → 8th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland
2021   Scholarship of the Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage (Warsaw)
2019-2020   Scholarship of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk (Gdansk)

group exhibitions
2024   8th edition of the Graphic Art Biennal of Szeklerland (National Museum of Ciuc in Miercurea-Ciuc  Miercurea-Ciuc)
2023   Serigraphy Festival trisity#5 (ASP Gallery  Łódź)
2023   XIII Graphic Art Biennal Poznań 2023 (Stary Browar, Galeria Miejska Arsenał → Poznań)
2023   Serigraphy Festival TRISITY#5 (TuBaza, Zbrojownia Sztuki → Gdansk)
2022   Abstrakt (SN2022A Gallery → Cracow)
2022   7th edition of the Graphic Art Biennal of Szeklerland (National Museum of Ciuc in Miercurea-Ciuc → Miercurea-Ciuc)
2022   Litho Kielce 2021/2022 (The Upper Gallery and The Lower Gallery → Kielce)
2021   ART’EM ALL (Plenum → Gdansk)
2021   Photography festival W Ramach Sopotu (Sopot National Gallery → Sopot)
2020  101xpropaganda II edition (Auditorium of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw → Wroclaw)
2019   Litografia 2019 (Oliwa Town Hall of Culture → Gdansk)
2017   Serigraphy Festival Trisity vol. 1 (Zbrojownia Sztuki → Gdansk)